凹凸科技(O2Micro International Ltd.),于1995年创立于美国硅谷,2000年在纳斯达克成功上市,是全世界第一家在美国斯纳斯达克(NASDAQ)和香港主板均以初始股上市的公司。其电源管理芯片成为美国华尔街热门的投资项目。公司自上市以来连续二十六个季度盈利,且两年持续赢得全球无晶圆厂IC设计快速成长奖。
O2Micro International was founded in April 1995 at Silicon Valley, listed at NASDAQ (NASDAQ, OIIM) in 2000, O2Micro was the first company created power management as a business space at Wall Street. We are also the first company initially dual listed at both NASDAQ and main board of HKSE in March of 2006, O2Micro well developed with ten consecutive years of sequential revenue growth and twenty-six consecutive quarters of profits, and was honored with Global Excellent Fabless IC Design House for two consecutive years.
O2Micro develops and markets innovative power management, and security components and systems for the Computer, Consumer, Industrial, and Communications markets. Products include Intelligent Lighting, Battery Management, Power Management, SmartCardBus and Security products.
The company maintains offices worldwide; there are six regions in China mainland, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Chengdu and Ningbo.
电子邮箱: kathy.huang@hotmail.com
企业网址: http://www.o2micro.com |