文档 -
RTLvision PRO的自动文档功能提供了新的,更改的和重复使用的RTL代码的详细设计文档(Verilog原理图视图,VHDL原理图视图,PDF输出,Postscript输出,位图图像)。
定制 -
为了满足特定项目或组织自身标准的需求,基于Tcl的UserWare API允许扩展和定制RTLvision PRO的功能。
特点 优势
超快的Verilog阅读器,VHDL阅读器和图形 图形表示使得理解,调试,更改和实现VHDL,Verilog和SystemVerilog代码变得更加容易
交互式图形片段导航仅显示RTL代码的关键片段 能够识别和专注于片段有助于降低调试过程的复杂性,并使得更容易理解和更改RTL源代码
自动时钟树和时钟域提取和分析 更快地检测和解决时钟域问题。 CDC视图显示时钟域树。
集成波形查看器 VCD波形查看器支持交互式信号跟踪
完全支持混合语言设计(SystemVerilog,Verilog,VHDL) 设计人员可以轻松开发和调试当今最复杂的异构SoC设计
增量设计编译 设计更新可以更快,只重新编译更改的区域
RTL到原理图 Verilog查看器,VHDL查看器和SystemVerilog查看器在一个工具中允许分析来自几乎任何源的构建块
自动化设计文档 可以自动记录新的和重用的代码
Tcl API RTLvision PRO可以与工具流程连接,用户可以扩展功能以满足项目需求
Documentation —
The automated documentation feature of RTLvision PRO provides detailed design documentation of new, changed and re-used RTL code (Verilog schematic view, VHDL schematic view, PDF output, Postscript output, bitmap image).
Customization —
To meet the needs of a specific project or an organization's own standards a Tcl based UserWare API allows the functionality of RTLvision PRO to be extended and tailored.
At a Glance
Features Benefits
Ultra fast Verilog reader, VHDL reader and graphics on the fly
Graphical representations make it easier to understand, debug, change and implement VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog code
Interactive Graphic Fragment Navigation shows only critical fragments of the RTL code
Being able to identify and concentrate on a fragment helps to reduce complexity of the debug process and makes it easier to understand and change RTL source code
Automatic clock trees and clock domains extraction and analysis
Faster detection and resolution of clock domain problems. CDC view shows clock domain trees.
Integrated Waveform viewer
VCD Waveform viewer supports interactive signal tracing
Full support for mixed language designs (SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL)
Designers can easily develop and debug today's most complex heterogeneous SoC designs
Incremental design compilation
Design updates can be faster, with only changed areas re-compiled
RTL to schematics
Verilog viewer, VHDL viewer, and SystemVerilog viewer in one tool allows building blocks from almost any source to be analyzed
Automated design documentation
New and re-used code can be documented automatically
RTLvision PRO can be interfaced with the tool flow and the user can extend functionality to match project needs
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